Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Load XML Documents Into SQL Server

You can load documents into SQL Server using the OPENROWSET option.  This will load the XML file into one large rowset, into a single row and a single column.  This rowset can then be queried using the OPENXML function.  The OPENXML function allows an XML document to be treated like a table.

The following video contains a tutorial on how to load and read an XML document using OPENROWSET and OPENXML.

Below are SQL statements used in the video:

DECLARE @x xml

FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Examples\Products.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) AS Products(P)


DECLARE @hdoc int

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @x

--INTO #tmp_MySubcategories
FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/Subcategories/Subcategory', 1)
WITH (ProductSubcategoryID int, Name varchar(100))

--INTO #tmp_MyProducts
FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/Subcategories/Subcategory/Products/Product', 2)
WITH (ProductID int, Name varchar(100), ProductNumber varchar(50), ListPrice float, ModifiedDate datetime)

FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/Subcategories/Subcategory/Products/Product', 2)
ProductSubcategoryID int '../../@ProductSubcategoryID', 
ProductSubcategoryName varchar(100) '../../@Name', 
ProductID int, 
Name varchar(100), 
ProductNumber varchar(50), 
ListPrice float, 
ModifiedDate datetime)

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc

SELECT * FROM #tmp_MySubcategories
SELECT * FROM #tmp_MyProducts

DROP TABLE #tmp_MySubcategories
DROP TABLE #tmp_MyProducts


  1. Please check this:

    I still need to know how to generate result set by joining data of Products stored in multiple XML Files, where each file has data for one Product. I need this badly.

    Your tutorial was great!


  2. With OPENXML, you can treat the XML files like tables. So if you have multiple XML files, and there is a common element/attribute in those files that you can join with, then once you bring it into SQL with OPENXML, you can join on that field. For example, say I have 2 product xml files. The first file contains the Name for product 100. The second file contains ProductNumber and ListPrice for product 100. I can join these two files together using the ProductID field to get all the information.

    Below is an example. Notice that @hdoc2 is the handle to the other xml file.

    SELECT *
    FROM OPENXML (@hdoc, '/Subcategories/Subcategory/Products/Product', 2)
    WITH (
    ProductID int,
    Name varchar(100)) AS P1
    INNER JOIN OPENXML (@hdoc2, '/Subcategories/Subcategory/Products/Product', 2)
    WITH (
    ProductID int,
    ProductNumber varchar(50),
    ListPrice float) AS P2
    ON P1.ProductID = P2.ProductID
