Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Create failed for Availability Group Listener

Error when setting up a listener for an availability group for SQL Server AlwaysOn:

"Create failed for Availability Group Listener 'listener_name'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

The WSFC cluster could not bring the Network Name resource with DNS name 'dns_name' online. The DNS name may have been taken or have a conflict with existing name services, or the WSFC cluster service may not be running or may be inaccessible.  Use a different DNS name to resolve the name conflict, or check the WSFC cluster log for more information.
The attempt to create the netowrk name and IP address for the listener failed.  The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessbile in its current state, or the values provided for the network name and IP address may be incorrect.  Check the state of the WSFC cluster and validate the network name and IP address with the network administrator."

This was due to inadequate permissions for the computer account of the Windows cluster.  The cluster computer object needs the "Read All Properties" and "Create Computer Objects" permission in the domain. Once those permissions were granted, the listener was created successfully.

Here is the Microsoft article that details the permissions needed.

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